Asset Finance / Vehicle Leasing

Asset Finance gives your business access to the machinery, plant, equipment or vehicles that it needs to operate, without the full initial outlay of their cost. It can also release value from assets that you already own towards working capital and cash flow requirements:

  • Leasing Finance – Your business doesn’t own the asset but agrees a lease usually for a fixed term and payments. You are in effect renting the asset.
  • Hire Purchase (HP) – This allows your company to purchase an asset over an agreed term with agreed regular payments – the asset is yours when all of the agreed payments have been made.
  • Refinance – In simple terms, your company may own assets that are either unencumbered or partially financed. Lenders will commonly lend up to 70% of their current value less any outstanding finance.

From April 1 2021 for 2 years companies can offset 130% of qualifying spending on plant and machinery against their taxable profit in that first year under the Super Deduction tax relief scheme.

Take your accountant’s advice for your business, but it could be worthwhile re-considering plans that had been shelved during the pandemic, or bringing forward plans?

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